DMARDS classification mnemonic -Pharmaclub mnemonics

DMARDS classification mnemonic:

Here I have provided mnemonic for dmards classification. Mnemonic prepared based on a simple link as explained below.

Mnemonics: I T A L I C S


  1. As you know that Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an auto immune disease affecting the joins through out the body there by causing joints damage and pain.
    2. If a person is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and his hand joints got damaged.
  2. I am assuming that if he needs to work on MS office, he cant type the words or sentences.
  3. Now the link is “He cant type the words and make it in “italics” format.

Mnemonic for dmards classification – I T A L I C S. (Italics)

DMARDS classification

I- Interleukin (IL)1 antagonists (Biological DMARDs)
Ex: Anakinra

T- TNF –a (Tissue Necrosis Factor-a) inhibitors (Biological DMARDs)

Ex: Adalimumab, Infliximab

A- Adjuvant drugs

Ex: Prednisolone

L- Leflunomide (Non-biological DMARD)

I- Immunosuppressant s (Non-biological DMARD)

Ex: Methotrexate, Cyclosporine

C- Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine (Non-biological DMARD)

S- Sulfasalzine

Related: Anti-diabetes drug classification mnemonics

This mnemonic help you to remember the Anti rheumatoid drugs classification.

You can also view classification wise linked mnemonics in this website. Linked mnemonics are easy remember compared to without linked mnemonics. Share this post and feel free to share your opinion below.


Peptic ulcer drugs classification mnemonics

Peptic ulcer drugs classification mnemonics

Here I have provided mnemonic for Peptic ulcer drugs classification. A small and simple classification available for this category. Simplest mnemonics also prepared based on peptic ulcer name itself.

Mnemonics: P U P N A S H A


1. Direct link is available here that is Peptic ulcer (PU).
2. I am assuming that, a lady diagnosed with peptic ulcer and her name is ASHA.

Mnemonic for Peptic ulcer drugs classification – P U P N A S H A that is Peptic Ulcer Patient Name ASHA

peptic ulcer drugs

P- Proton pump inhibitors :
Ex: Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Rameprazole

U- Ulcer protectives
Ex: Sucralfate, Colloidal Bismuths Sulfate (CBS)

P- Prostraglandin analouges
Ex: Misoprostol

N- Nonsystemic antacids
Ex: Magnesium hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide.

A- Anti Cholinergics:
Ex: Pirenzepine, Propantheline

S- Systemic antacids:
Ex: Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium citrate

H- H2 Antihistamines:
Ex: Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine

A- Anti Helicobactor pyroli drugs:
Ex: Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole

Related: Anti-diabetes drug classification mnemonics

This mnemonic help you to remember the peptic ulcer drugs classification.

You can also view mnemonics for other drugs classification. Feel free to comment below.