Free pharma books…. Direct downloadable books in ONE CLICK

There are lot of free pharma book sites and blogspots are available in the internet, But if you try to download those books, It will redirect to one page and may direct you to download some softwares into your PC or smart phone. Definitely It will frustrate you so much and drive your mind to a situation like you don’t want any free books and its better to stay away from those sites. I am also not exceptional for this situation.

But, I have gathered a lot of Pharmacy(Like Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and analysis etc. ) books which are downloadable only. I have the soft copies of all these files in my PC. If you have free time you can also have these files in your PC too.

            Remember one thing If you want every pharma book for free. Authors may suffer because of starvation. So Don’t except every book for free. Stop searching for free books and start downloading the free books which are available in the internet.

Why are you sticking yourself to two or three Pharmacy books, There are several books, written, authorised and published in the market. And still some of them are free in just one click, then why are you waiting for. Download all and observe them that which book is suitable for your mindset and which book is useful from your point of view whether it may a understanding or remembering purpose.


Reasons to download all the books??

1.      Its all free if you have WIFI access. You are not paying a single penny also.

2.      Useful for future reference. This time all books are available in internet, but after some days they may not be available(Because these are free we are not paying, Book owners may remove link from websites). I can give you guarantee that you can download all the books in this time. If you try to download after several days, you may not download them, for that thing I am not responsible for that. 

3.      Downloading Procedure is simple and easy to follow. (Just follow the below mentioned procedure while trying to download the books)

4.      Last and important reason is You need not to download any unknown, useless and  frustrating softwares.

Follow the instructions to download the books successfully. (Read the 2ndinstruction twice for proper understanding and for successful downloads)

1.    Open the provided link/(Press control button Plus click on the link)

2.    Advertisement page will open, (Don’t panic, you are in the right way only.).

“Note:Remember Don’t clickanyware, Its an advertisement only. ”

 See the top right corner of your screen, wait for 5 seconds, (Don’t confuse, still you are in the right way only).

If it is a “smart phone”, see the top of your mobile screen.

 ” button will appear on the screen then Click on it(Click on “Skip this ad” button).

3.    That’s it, your job is done, BOOK PDF will loaded on the screen, Save it.

To avoid confusion, Keep this file side by side while opening book links for successful downloads (read 2nd point carefully)   

Ufffff……. If you are unable to download the books, AGAIN GO THROUGH THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. There is no way.

Here we go………….