Pharmacology mnemonics for Oral antidiabetic drug classification

Pharmacology mnemonics:

We have provided here pharmacology mnemonics for diabetes drug classification.

Oral anti-diabetic drug classification:

Pharmacology mnemonics for oral anti-diabetic drug classification- M S D B A T A D S


  1. If you are thinking about Type-2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance is the main problem.
  2. Physical activity can deal with insulin resistance. Body muscle can effectively use the glucose while doing the physical exercise.
  3. Cricket is an international game which involves physical activity helpful for diabetics also (Link). Of course every out door game involves physical activity/exercise. For this purpose I used cricket.
  4. Mahendra Singh Dhoni, a famous Indian cricketer. (Keyword(MSD)- M S Dhoni).
  5. Cricket is played using a bat (Keyword(BAT)- BAT)
  6. MS Dhoni, a famous Indian cricketer and captain, most deserved player for branding the advertisements (Keyword(ADS)- ADvertisementS)

Pharmacology mnemonics antidiabetic drug classificaiton

Now the anti-diabetics drug classification mnemonic created by these keywords. (Mahendra Singh Dhoni, BAT, Advertisements)

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, BAT, ADS

M- Meglitinides/Phenylalanine analouges

S-Sulfonyl ureas

D- DPP4 (Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4) Inhibitors

B- Biguanides

T- Thiazolidinediones

A- Alpha(a) Glucosidase Inhibitors (‘A’ from BAT, written here)

A- Amylin analogues

D- Dopamine 2 (D2) receptor agonist

S- Sodium Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors.

Note: M S D drugs enhance the insulin secretion,

B T ( B- Biguanides & Thiazolidinediones) helps to overcome the insulin resistance.

Remaining A A D S drugs miscellaneous drugs having different types of mechanism of action.

I hope by this explanation, you definitely remember the diabetic drug classification forever.

Remember, anyone can make mnemonics, it is not a tough job. But creating a remembering link between mnemonics and its information matters here.

For more information, please follow the website.

Asthma classification mnemonic s

Asthma classification mnemonic

We have provided here asthma classification mnemonic.

Pharmacology mnemonics for bronchial asthma- M B A S I M L A


  1. If you are thinking about bronchial asthma, you can easily remember cool environment.
  2. Bronchial asthma have a relationship with cool environment. In summer vacation, Indian people go to SIMLA due to its cool climate (Link). SIMLA is the capital city Himachal Pradesh.
  3. There is no link between “MBA” and “SIMLA”. But remember both these words. (Keywords- MBA, SIMLA)

Asthma classification mnemonic

Now the Bronchial asthma drug classification mnemonic created by these keywords.

Masters in Business Administration SIMLA

M- Methylxanthines (Bronchodilators)

Ex: Theophylline, Aminophylline

B- beta 2 (b2) sympathomimetic s (Bronchodilators)

Ex: Salbutamol, Salmeterol

A- Anticholinergics (Bronchodilators)

Ex: Ipratropium, Tiotropium

S- Systemic Corticosteroids

Ex: Hydrocartisone, Prednisolone

I- Inhalational corticosteroids

Ex: Beclomethasone

M- Mast cell stabiliser

Ex: Montelukast, Zafirlukast

L- Leukotriene antagonist

Ex: Sodium cromaglycate

A- Anti-Ig E antibodies

Ex: Omalizumab

Related: Career opportunities after M Pharm Pharmacology

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