antipsychotic drugs classification mnemonics

antipsychotic drugs classification mnemonics:

Here also I tried a lot to create a linked antipsychotic drugs classification mnemonics but unable to find a perfect link.


“BOAT” is a browser for android. Remember BOAT application for remembering the Antipsychotic drugs. Remember like “to know the antipsychotic drugs classification, install the mobile ”APP”  named “BOAT” and search.

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antipsychotic drugs classification mnemonics pharmaclub

A- Aliphatic phenothiazines

Ex: Clorpromazine, Triflupromazine

P- Piperidine Phenothiazines

Ex: Thioridazine

P- Piperizine phenothiazines

Ex: Trifluoperazine, Fluphenazine

B- Butyrophenones

Ex: Haloperidol, Trifluperidol.

O – Other heterocyclic compounds

Ex: Pimozide

A- Atypical antipsychotics

Ex: Clozapine, Risperidone

T- Thiozanthines

Ex: Flupenithixol

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Acknowledgment: In this website the most of mnemonics prepared based on drug classification information form KD Tripathi pharmacology drug classifications 5th edition book. So if you buy that book, it will be more helpful to you to remember the overall drug classification along with the drugs.

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