pharmacology mnemonics nsaids:
I have provided pharmacology mnemonics nsaids (Non- Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) here.
Mnemonics for NSAIDS: B A S P E S P F 3P (PPP)
- If Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs comes to your mind, easily you can recollect ASPIRIN.(Link)
- Do you know: It is the first NSAID drug produced in the year of 1897 by a chemist named Felix hoffmann from Bayer pharmaceutical company. (Link)
- Aspirin is used for mainly for fever, pain and heart attack patients to reducing platelets clumping action(thinning the blood to avoid clot formation). Now for our purpose, I used aspirin also used for fever and pain, not one pain three pains (Like three P’s (P P P))
Here, Bayer, Aspirin, pains are the keywords. So Mnemonic created as Bayers ASPirin ESPecially for Fever 3 Pains that is P P P.
B- Benzoxazocine derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)
A- Acetic acid derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
S- Salicylates (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
P- Propinonic acid derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
E- Enolic acid derviatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
S- Selective COX-2 inhibitors
P- Pyrazolone derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
F- Fenamates (Non-selective COX inhibitors)
P- Preferential COX-2 inhibitors
P- Pyrazolone derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)
P- Para aminophenol derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)
First, try to recollect all the drug classification names for this codes, then rearrange the subcategories, according to category.
Related: Mnemonics for Oral antidiabetic drug classification
For eg: For Code B- Benzoxazoncine derivatives should come in the bottom of the Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions category, but It came in the first line.
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