pharmacology mnemonics nsaids (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs)

pharmacology mnemonics nsaids:

I have provided pharmacology mnemonics nsaids (Non- Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) here.

Mnemonics for NSAIDS: B A S P E S P F 3P (PPP)


  1. If Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs comes to your mind, easily you can recollect ASPIRIN.(Link)
  2. Do you know: It is the first NSAID drug produced in the year of 1897 by a chemist named Felix hoffmann from Bayer pharmaceutical company. (Link)
  3. Aspirin is used for mainly for fever, pain and heart attack patients to reducing platelets clumping action(thinning the blood to avoid clot formation). Now for our purpose, I used aspirin also used for fever and pain, not one pain three pains (Like three P’s (P P P))

Here, Bayer, Aspirin, pains are the keywords. So Mnemonic created as Bayers ASPirin ESPecially for Fever 3 Pains that is P P P.

pharmacology mnemonics nsaids

B- Benzoxazocine derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)

A- Acetic acid derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

S- Salicylates (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

P- Propinonic acid derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

E- Enolic acid derviatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

S- Selective COX-2 inhibitors

P- Pyrazolone derivatives (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

F- Fenamates (Non-selective COX inhibitors)

P- Preferential COX-2 inhibitors

P- Pyrazolone derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)

P- Para aminophenol derivatives (Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions)

First, try to recollect all the drug classification names for this codes, then rearrange the subcategories, according to category.

Related: Mnemonics for Oral antidiabetic drug classification

For eg: For Code B- Benzoxazoncine derivatives should come in the bottom of the Analgesic anti-pyretic with poor inflammatory actions category, but It came in the first line.

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